Rud Sawers was employed by us as an architect to ensure the smooth passage of a detailed planning application to the Dartmoor National Park. The permission was for a 1,600 square feet extension and other extensive structural building works to our cross passage farm house on Dartmoor.
The brief was to restore the unlisted, but, building of architectural interest by using natural local materials, and to interpret our ideas accordingly. As he said on our first meeting, ‘be the pen in your hand’. However, Rud was forthcoming with practical solutions and aesthetics which we embraced in our scheme. The Design and Access Statement he produced made comprehensive reference to sustainable design features and use of renewable energy which encouraged the planners to look favourably on our application. Furthermore, Rud was sensitive to the historical integrity of our design and after research incorporated features we wished to use, which also impressed the Historical Buildings Officer.
He communicated with the builder and other members of our design team very happily. Without appeal, the detailed planning application was passed successfully with conditions imposed which were not unexpected.
He has a very amenable disposition and a good relationship with the Authority.